
You need to connect with the people and businesses that mean the most to you. Start new conversations. Build lasting relationship. Prosper. Grow. We have three services that make all of that so much simpler. Take one. Take all three. But start by taking a few minutes to get familiar.

Discover your story

Uncover your purpose and write it down, to inspire stories that truly mean something to the people that matter.

‘Discover’ is a journey towards genuine insight. Its goal is to help you understand why your business does what it does – its purpose – and then agree it, share it, explore it, write it down and understand how to use it.

"We let Cohesive off the leash and the results were not what we expected. Turns out our customers value our experience, enthusiasm and commitment as much as the technology we build. The process has completely changed the direction of our strategy."


We’ve developed and refined an evidence-based framework that produces authentic outcomes, reliably. We run Discover as an 8 to 12 week project, and we can scale it for any size and style of business, from startups to corporates.

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Craft your story

Use your purpose to create powerful content that connects and converts.

Content Strategy

We can help you build and evolve a content strategy – a  map and compass for pinpointing compelling content. It holds up a mirror to vanity, vagueness and introspection. And none of us is immune to that stuff.

Content workshops, content commissions

Ask any engineer or athlete, and they’ll tell you that you use most energy in the acceleration. In getting up to speed. With momentum on your side, you can aim to be self-sufficient for most of your content, most of the time, right?

When you need to accelerate we can help:

Content workshops: Working regularly with content producers on planning, sketches, starting points, challenges.

Content commissions: Stock and flow content, for digital, PR and social channels.

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An abstract circular icon or button, containing two parallel lines and one diverging one, representing the a creative collaboration

Share your story

Turn your content into influence

You create your content to build prosperity for your business and its stakeholders. So ‘Share’ is about generating engagement, conversations and relationships with the people that matter most to you, using your content. We’ve four channels, or routes, to reach them.

PR – the earned channel. Digital – the owned channel. Social – borrowed. And Promotion – paid for.

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Well, there’s more.

If you’d like to learn from others, get inspired by stories of purpose in action and stay abreast of meaningful news and views, then put your name down for The Clec*. We aim to help you to help yourself. Informed, expert, sometimes a little off-beat, we publish twice a month - every second Friday.

*Clec (n) - in Welsh, a teller of tales, a gossip, a chatterbox

Talk to us about your story

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